3 Reasons You Should Regularly Donate a Small Amount

 Many people are under a misconception that if you want to donate to a charity or an NGO, the donation has to be of a sizeable amount. A small amount will not be enough to make a difference. However, a donation, regardless of how small or sizeable it is, has a positive impact. In the current digital age, you can even make an online donation for NGO and not even have to personally visit it. It’s recommended to regularly donate a small amount than a large amount once a year. To elaborate the point further, here are 3 reasons you should donate a small amount regularly:


online donation for NGO

1. Make Someone Smile

When you donate a small amount every month, you will donate a larger amount at the end of a year than you will when you choose to donate a large amount once a year. For the latter, you will have to manage expenses. The former being a small amount will not much affect your pocket. Further, when you regularly donate to an NGO, the impact of your donation is much greater. It significantly affects someone’s life, and this will make them smile because your donation has made their everyday struggle easier and more tolerable.


2. Others Learn to Donate from You

When you donate more frequently, more people get to know about it. When more people get to know about it, more people are likely to donate. Acts of kindness, like donation, are contagious. When one person donates, people around them learn and donate too. Perhaps the reason why you want to donate is that you saw someone else donate it.


3. Teach an Act of Kindness to Your Children

By donating, you also teach your children that the world is not as fair as it seems, and when you are in a position where you can help someone, you should. And a donation is one of the best and most effective ways to help someone.


The advancement of technology has made it supremely easy for everyone to donate. No longer do you need to visit an NGO for donation as you can donate directly to their website and also receive its receipt.


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