Empowering Differently-abled Children: A World with Equal Opportunities

Differently-abled children have special needs and require extra love and care. These young minds are not aware of their reality and what hurdles they may face in the future for no fault of theirs. Though we envision a world that gives equal opportunities for every child, the sad reality is, it's quite challenging for a disabled child to experience life the same way as a normal child would. 

According to a survey by UNESCO, 75% of disabled children do not get primary education regardless of many government schemes and programs. Many NGOs are working at the ground level, collecting donation for disabled children and providing them with the required support. 

Work Done at Ground Level by NGOs

Many NGOs are working tirelessly at the grassroots level to support disabled children. There are many children with accidental disabilities, afflicted by polio, or disabled by birth. These children need support for physiotherapy, medical service, vocational training, and education. Children who lost their arms or legs in an accident or are impaired by birth need artificial limbs to lead a normal life. Other requirements include resources and activity centres for differently-abled children.

Such NGOs raise funds to provide necessary services to them. These NGOs are a good place to donate to a social cause that can benefit these children. Your act of kindness can give these children a chance to live healthy and fulfilling life. If you wish to extend a helping hand in easing the life of these kids, then either you can support monetarily or volunteer at NGO centres working for the welfare of these children.


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